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Hamill in the News


"With his open, blue-eyed gaze and cornfed face, Conor M. Hamill, is just right for the title role. But it isn’t his looks alone that make him so winning in the part. His Third seems both affronted and genuinely saddened by Professor Jameson’s charges, and even when Third lashes out at the injustice of it all, Mr. Hamill lets us see the gentleness beneath his rage." Full Article

2 on the Aisle

"Conor M. Hamill plays Third as the student who becomes the focal point of Laurie’s anger.  This young actor makes you see Third’s incredulity at the charges.  While he appears self-confident and assured, Hamill shows us the uncertain young student who wants intellectual challenges. He lets us see the vulnerability beneath the “golden boy” exterior." Full Article

Hartford Courant

"Hamill, a Hartt School grad, makes an impressive bow here, giving Third a believable simplicity and intelligence, a charming, low-key humor and a clear-eyed sense of self." Full Article

Talkin' Broadway

"Both young actors in the show, Conor M. Hamill as Third and Olivia Hoffman as Emily, show much promise. It is clear that each has been coached and trained well. Look for them to further succeed as they evolve with successive roles at many venues." Full Article

Woman Around Town

"When well dressed Julian (a credible Conor M. Hamill with a nice voice) buys roses “a lot of them” to celebrate his first week of marriage, Pinkie grows starry-eyed." Full Article

The Theater Mirror

"Conor M. Hamill returns in triumph for his third time at Ivoryton Playhouse as the gung ho recruit, Joseph Wykowski who constantly has a hard on. He gives this character the high intensity it needs." Full Article

"Conor M. Hamill and Oakley Boycott are successful at creating the upper class Curtises but the book of the musical tells us almost nothing about them." Full Article

Shoreline Times

"Conor M. Hamill, as the bullying, racist Wykowski, would walk away with the show if the other actors were not so strong: he has energy to burn, and his every move and word is frighteningly arrogant and cocky. When he surprises us, we never see it coming." Full Article

Stephen Holt Show

"I have to mention Conor M. Hamill, who excels as not only Francisco and Voltemand, but also a memorable Fortinbras, the Polish prince who ends the play. Who ever remembers Fortinbras? Well, you will this time."

Theatre is Easy

The mother and son fights between Nya Bowman's Emma and Conor M. Hamill's Conrad, and the co-dependent quarrels of Conrad and Melissa Mattos's Nina, are especially memorable

More than the Play

Conor M. Hamill plays the thoroughly self-absorbed Connie with just the right level of humor that creates a strong feeling of empathy.  You yearn for him to change his behavior and find happiness, and you feel for him when he fails.

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